I never thought from the start that people will read the things I'm writing. I never thought either that I have time updating and doing all this stuffs am doing now. Sometimes, I feel am out of my mind.

Anyhow, i came UP to a 1000 readers in just a few months. WOOOWWW...my gosh! i really appreciate to all who follow the simple mind of a woman from a no mansland.
Am so greatful!
To someone special, who always give me the strength and the true feelings,thank you to make this blog come true. Thanks for being there for me. HOpe you'll stay 4ever. I might or can't have you (who knows) but promise you're mine till death!
been here since you started blogging but to tell you, I never left any footprints.
Congrats and have an enjoying writing just be yourself.
Thanks to your inspiration and hopefully this person is always there for you.
Will follow every footsteps you have.
Verkligen, kul att se dig skriva annorlunda inlägg.
Jag vill läsa mer.
Guys! tnx a million visiting my room! & tnx for giving me your time reading all my hearthrobes, my thoughts and whatever i had in mind.
Hope you won't get bored reading my bloggs!
A wow feelings.
You really shining with your subjects whatever t is. A true feelings included? that make the readers come back to you.
Very real in heart.
TY to you too. AM happy to see u here too. Hope you come again and read more, whatever i write.
Njoy d w/nd.
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