Waaahhh...we're moving again to an old(built 1954) new house (just bought one). NOt really funny to pack & unpack the furnitures and all the things we have.
Entrance of the house.
You know what? it's not really long ago we move in this house were living in now. 2½ yrs ago for an exact calculation. Friends laugh at me coz i still have lots of stuffs that's still not in place. Like my arts to be hang, the lounge to be fix and bathroom shower cabin to be change to a lil bathtub, etc. Suddenly, we decided to buy a new house. An impulse buy? No återvando!!! we'll move again? Hopefully, this is the last time for awhile. I see to it, that the last move will be back in the Philippines. §:-) in my dreams.
Front view
Anyway, here's some pix of the new crib. Though pix aren't good as the people are packing their stuffs getting ready to move out.
This is the SPA or relax area.
Saturday, February 9, 2008
Friday, February 8, 2008
Chinese New Year Celebration, Food etc
February 7 is the chinese new year.
Gong xi fa chai! HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL and we also celebrate my dear father's birthday too. If he'll alive he's 93 years old. I really missed you DAD!
Wherever YOU are, i hope you had a wonderful birthday! Enjoy there too.
* Lotus seed - signify having many male offspring
* Ginkgo nut - represents silver ingots
* Black moss seaweed - is a homonym for exceeding in wealth
* Dried bean curd is another homonym for fulfillment of wealth and happiness
* Bamboo shoots - is a term which sounds like "wishing that everything would be well"
* Fresh bean curd or tofu is not included as it is white and unlucky for New Year as the color signifies death and misfortune.
2008 is the Year of the Rat!
There are three ways to name a Chinese year:
1. By an animal (like a mscot).
2008 is known as the Year of the Rat.
There are 12 animal names; so by this system, year names are re-cycled every 12 years. More.
2. By its Formal Name (Stem-Branch).
This year is the year of Wu Zi.
In the 'Stem-Branch' system, the years are named in 60-year cycles, and the Name of the Year is repeated every 60 years.
2008 is the 9th year in the current 60-year cycle.
3. Current year is Year 4705 by the Chinese calendar.
which is also known by its former name of Wu Zi.
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
Well, well... Valentine's Day is on the air. The lover's images heart, chocos & cupid.
But don't let the pressure get you down. Along with the stress also comes an invaluable opportunity to impress her/him. A quick review of the following Valentine's Day myths might surprise you -- they may even burst some of your long-held beliefs about the holiday.
Hmmmm...how about those wives & husbands who cheats their partners? How will they celebrate this day? What a lucky creatures huh? Love by 2 lovers? I may say the wife/husband are lucky to have the cheater whilst cheater, also lucky that the wife/husband love the cheater more that the real one. Waaaahhh...grrrrr...am always screwed UP...My thoughts are always twisted! I don't know if I can explain both sides?
Anyway, dear readers! What can i say is that: INHOBBOK HAFNA DEJJEM GHAZIZ, no matter what...believe it or not. You know that well. And to the real man: ÄLSKAR DIG SÅ LÄNGE JAG LEVER!
SEEE, caught in the act! Am a cheater? LOL*** i might be crazy but that's the way it goes! My heart is twisted!
If I have a time to think and tell you some signs of a cheater, well, I will be back for another issue, ´bout it. I promised you will get an I C mode §:-)
HAPPY VALENTINE'S TO ALL..! nO matter what, as long heart beats to someone, the stars are reachable.
So long...tjingg...
WOW... a 1000 readers!
I never thought from the start that people will read the things I'm writing. I never thought either that I have time updating and doing all this stuffs am doing now. Sometimes, I feel am out of my mind.

Anyhow, i came UP to a 1000 readers in just a few months. WOOOWWW...my gosh! i really appreciate to all who follow the simple mind of a woman from a no mansland.
Am so greatful!
To someone special, who always give me the strength and the true feelings,thank you to make this blog come true. Thanks for being there for me. HOpe you'll stay 4ever. I might or can't have you (who knows) but promise you're mine till death!
Monday, February 4, 2008
Wedding Bells of Lars niece
WELCOME to Nicolaisen Family Daniel...
WHY DO PEOPLE WED ACTUALLY? WHY CAN'T JUST BE INLOVE AND BE LOVE? the author is to twisted, isn't she?
Well...here it goes the explanation:
The common element in a wedding is the assumption of husband and wife roles as well as the roles of the future parents. The wedding is a special moment that marks the beginning of a new generation, a new family and a life together. This moment is recognized with traditions, ceremonies and rituals including engagement and wedding ceremonies.
Hope to those who plan to marry, think million times before deciding to do so. No återvando, baby!!! Well, for us who respect the real marriage. UNFORTUNATELY, YOU STUCK & it sucks!!! ha ha ha...kidding!